Maths: Table of Contents
Logarithms and Anti Logarithms
Logarithm Formulas
Growth, Reduction, Simple and Compound Interest and the Value of 'e'
Set Theory
Rules of Operation on Sets
List of Frequently Referenced Sets in Mathematics
Group Theory
Cayley Tables: Structural Representation of Finite Groups
Fundamental Principle of Counting, Concept of Factorial, Permutation and Combination
Symmetry Independent Permutations Without Repeatition
Combinations Without Repeatition
Linear Symmetry Permutations Without Repeatition
Circular Symmetry Permutations Without Repeatition
Necklace Symmetry Permutations Without Repeatition
Permutation Tables, Permutation Cycles and Transpositions
Cycle Index Count of a Permutation
Decomposition of Permutation/Permutation Cycles into Transpositions
Product of Permutations, Permutation Cycles and Transpositions
Inverse and Order of a Permutation
Permutations and Permutation Matrices
Combinations With Repeatition
Symmetry Independent Permutations With Repeatition
Using Generating Functions to Find Combinations With Repeatitions, Count of Combinations With Repeatitions and Count of Linear Permutations With Repeatitions
Adding/Subtracting/Negating Angles of Trignometric Ratios
Law of Sines for Triangles on Plane Surface
Law of Cosines for Triangles on Plane Surface
Time Period, Frequency and Phase of Trigonometric Sine and Cosine Functions
Trignometric/Hyperbolic Identities
Polynomial Expressions/Equations and Rational Expressions
General Polynomial Equations
Finding Roots of a Quadratic Polynomial Equation
Finding Roots of a Cubic Polynomial Equation
Finding Roots of a Quartic Polynomial Equation
Finding Roots of a Polynomial Equation of Any Arbitrary Degree
Matrix, Vector and Tensor Algebra
Matrix Algebra
Matrix Vectorization
Trace of a Square Matrix
Transpose/Conjugate Transpose of a Matrix
Element Wise Matrix Addition/Subtraction and NULL Matrix
Direct Sum of Matrices
Matrix Multiplication with a Scalar
Dot Product of 2 Row/Column Matrices
Matrix Multiplication: Inner Product of Matrices
Hadamard Product: Element Wise Matrix Multiplication
Double-Dot Product of 2 Matrices
Kronecker Product: Outer Product of Matrices
Tensor Product of Matrices
Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrices
Hermitian and Anti Hermitian Matrices
Triangular and Trapezoidal Matrices
Identity, Scalar and Diagonal Matrices
Periodic, Indempotent, Involutary and Nilpotent Matrices
Orthogonal and Unitary Matrices
Permutation Matrices
Determinant, Minor, Cofactor and Adjoint of a Square Matrix
Principal Minors and Traces of Principal Minors of a Square Matrix
Row Echelon and Column Echelon Matrix
Elementary Row/Column Operations on a Matrix
Matrices and System of Linear Equations
Solving System of Linear Equations Using Row Operations/Gaussian Elimination
Column Space, Row Space, NULL Space and Orthogonal Space of a Matrix
Linear Dependence/Independence of Vectors in a Matrix and Rank of a Matrix
Vector Space of a Matrix and Rank of a Matrix
Solving System of Linear Equations Using Cramer's Rule
Inverse of a Square Matrix
Solving System of Linear Equations Using Inverse of Matrix
Gramian Matrix / Gram Matrix / Metric Tensor
Dual of a Vector/Matrix
Basis Vector Matrix and Vector Space / Subspace Spanned by a Basis Vector Matrix
Projection/Rejection Matrices and Projected/Rejected Vectors
Matrix Factorization through LU / PLU / LUP Decomposition using Elementary Row/Column Operations
Matrix Factorization through QR Decomposition using Gram-Schmidt Process
Characteristic Polynomial / Polynomial Equation of a Square Matrix
Eigen-Values and Eigen-Vectors of a Square Matrix
Matrix Factorization through Eigen-Value / Eigen-Vector Decomposition
Matrix Factorization through Singular Value Decomposition
Vector Algebra
Matrix Representation of Vectors
Concept of Basis Vectors and Directional Representation of Vectors
Change of Basis Vectors for a Vector
Basis Vector Transformation
Dot/Scalar/Inner Product of Vectors, Magnitude of Vectors and Unit Vectors
Dot/Scalar/Inner Product of Vectors in Arbitrary Non Standard Basis
Geometric Interpretation of Dot/Scalar/Inner Product of Real Vectors
Vector Types and their Diagramatic / Visual / Symbolic Representation
Laws of Addition/Subtraction of Real Vectors
Covariant and Contravariant Components of a Vector
Cross Product of Vectors
Cross Product of Vectors in Arbitrary Non Standard Basis
Geometric Interpretation of Cross Product of Real Vectors
Determinant Product of Vectors
Determinant Product of Vectors in Arbitrary Non Standard Basis
Wedge Product of Vectors
Wedge Product of Vectors in Arbitrary Non Standard Basis
Scalar Triple Product
Vector Triple Product
Scalar Quad Product
Vector Quad Product
Orthogonal Vector Projection/Rejection
Non-Orthogonal/Oblique Vector Projection/Rejection
Dyads and Dyadics Algebra
Dot Product between a Dyad and a Vector
Cross Product between a Dyad and a Vector
Dot Product between 2 Dyads/Dyadics
Double-Dot Product between 2 Dyads/Dyadics
Dot-Cross Product between 2 Dyads/Dyadics
Cross-Dot Product between 2 Dyads/Dyadics
Double-Cross Product between 2 Dyads/Dyadics
Coordinate Systems and Coordinate Geometry
Cartesian Coordinate Systems
Curvilinear Coordinate Systems
Polar Coordinate System
Spherical Coordinate System
Polar Cylindrical Coordinate System
Distance Formula
Section Formula
Rules for Measurement of Rotation Angles
Finding Polar and Equatorial Angles of a Point
Representing Geometric Objects/Fields in Coordinate Systems
Derivation of Rodrigues Rotation Formula and Formula for 3D Rotation Matrix
Calculating 3D Rotation Matrix using Polar and Equatorial Angles of Axis of Rotation
Calculating 3D Rotation Matrix using Euler and Tait-Bryan Angles/Matrices
Finding Axes and Angles of Rotation from Rotation Matrix
Finding Plane of Rotation and Angles of Rotation from Rotation Matrix
Finding Euler/Tait Bryan Angles from Rotation Matrix
Improper Rotations and Roto-Reflection Matrices in 3 Dimensions
Factoring a 3D Roto-Reflection Matrix into a Rotation and Reflection Matrix
Rotation Axes (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) and Orientation (Heading, Attitude, Bank)
Derivation of Reflection Formula Across a Line
Derivation of Reflection Formula Across a Line in 2D/Plane in 3D/Hyper-Plane in Higher Dimensions
Linear Equations, Lines, Planes, Volumes and Hyper Volumes
Derivation/Representation of Equation of Lines
Finding Points on Line/Intercepts of Line
Types of Lines in 2D
Types of Lines in 3D
Condition for Collinearity of 3 Points
Angular Slope of a Line in 2D
Angular Normal of a Line in 2D
Angle Between 2 Lines
Relation Between 2 Lines
Condition for Concurrency of Lines
Family of Lines in 2D
Derivation/Representation of Equation of Planes
Finding Points on Plane/Intercepts of Plane
Types of Planes
Condition for Coplanarity of 4 Points
Projection of Vector on a Plane
Angular Normal of a Plane
Angle Between 2 Planes
Angle Between a Line and a Plane
Relation Between a Line and a Plane
Relation Between 2 Planes
Relation Between 3 Planes
Condition for Collinearity and Concurrency of Planes
Family of Planes
Distance of Point from a Line/Plane/Volume/Hyper-Volume
Projection of Point on a Line/Plane/Volume/Hyper-Volume
General Quadratic Equations in 2 Variables and Conic Sections
Conic Section Translation
Conic Section Rotation
Conic Section Normalization
Centers of Central Conic Section Curves
Point(s) of Intersection Between a Line and a Conic
Point(s) of Intersection Between 2 Conics
Projection of a Point on Conic and Distance of a Point from Conic Using Conic Intersection
Projection of a Point on Conic and Distance of a Point from Conic Using Normal to the Conic
Derivation of Standard and Explicit Coordinate Equations for Axis Aligned Parabolas
Finding Parameters of Axis Aligned Parabola from Standard Coordinate Equation
Finding Parameters of Axis Aligned Parabola from Explicit Coordinate Equation
Derivation and Properties of Implicit Coordinate Equation for Axis Aligned and Arbitrarily Rotated Parabolas
Finding Parameters of Axis Aligned Parabola from Implicit Coordinate Equation
Finding Parameters of Arbitrarily Rotated Parabola from Implicit Coordinate Equation
Finding Equation of Axis Aligned Parabolas from given Focal Length and Vertex
Finding Equation of Axis Aligned Parabolas from given Focal Length and Focus
Finding Equation of Axis Aligned Parabolas from 3 Non-Collinear Points
Finding Equation of Parabola from given Focus and Directrix
Finding Equation of Parabola from given Focus and Vertex
Finding Equation of Parabola from given Focus and Base
Finding Equation of Parabola from given Vertex and Directrix
Finding Equation of Parabola from given Vertex and Latus Rectum
Parametric Equations and Position Vector Representation of Parabola
Converting Parabola Equation from Standard Coordinate to Standard Parametric
Converting Parabola Equation from Standard Parametric to Standard Coordinate
Converting Parabola Equation from Explicit Coordinate to Parametric
Converting Parabola Equation from Axis Aligned Parametric to Explicit/Implicit Coordinate
Converting Parabola Equation from General Parametric to Implicit Coordinate
Converting Parabola Equation from Implicit Coordinate to General Parametric
Ellipse and Imaginary Ellipse
Derivation of Standard and Implicit Coordinate Equation for Axis Aligned Ellipses
Finding Parameters of Axis Aligned Ellipses from Standard Coordinate Equation
Finding Parameters of Axis Aligned Ellipses from Implicit Coordinate Equation
Derivation of Implicit Coordinate Equation for Arbitrarily Rotated and Translated Ellipses
Finding Parameters of Arbitrarily Rotated and Translated Ellipse from Implicit Coordinate Equation
Finding Equation of Ellipse from given 2 Foci and Major Axis Length
Finding Equation of Ellipse from a given Focus, a Vertex and Eccentricity
Finding Equation of Ellipse from given Directrix, Adjacent Focus and Eccentricity
Finding Equation of Ellipse from given Directrix, Adjacent Vertex and Eccentricity
Finding Parametric Equations for Axis Aligned and Rotated Ellipse
Circle and Imaginary Circle
Derivation of Standard and Implicit Coordinate Equation for Axis Aligned Hyperbolas
Finding Parameters of Axis Aligned Hyperbolas from Standard Coordinate Equation
Finding Parameters of Axis Aligned Hyperbolas from Implicit Coordinate Equation
Derivation of Implicit Coordinate Equation for Arbitrarily Rotated and Translated Hyperbolas
Finding Parameters of Arbitrarily Rotated and Translated Hyperbola from Implicit Coordinate Equation
Conjugate Hyperbola
Asymptotic Lines of Hyperbola and Conjugate Hyperbola
Rectangular Hyperbola
Finding Equation of Hyperbola from given 2 Foci and Transverse Axis Length
Finding Equation of Hyperbola from a given Focus, a Vertex and Eccentricity
Finding Equation of Hyperbola from given Directrix, Adjacent Focus and Eccentricity
Finding Equation of Hyperbola from given Directrix, Adjacent Vertex and Eccentricity
Finding Parametric Equations for Axis Aligned and Rotated Hyperbola Based on Secant and Tangent Ratios
Finding Parametric Equations for Axis Aligned and Rotated Hyperbola Based on Hypebolic Sine and Cosine
Pair of Lines
Factoring a Pair of Lines into Linear Equations
General Quadratic Equations in 3 Variables and Quadric Surfaces
Quadric Surface Translation
Quadric Surface Rotation
Quadric Surface Normalization
Centers of Central Quadric Surfaces
Projection of a Point on Quadric Surface and Distance of a Point from Quadric Surface Using Normal to the Quadric Surface
Ellipsoid and Imaginary Ellipsoid
Sphere and Imaginary Sphere
Elliptical/Circular Cone and Imaginary Elliptical/Circular Cone
Elliptical/Circular Cylinder and Imaginary Elliptical/Circular Cylinder
Parabolic Cylinder
Hyperbolic Cylinder
Elliptic Paraboloid
Hyperbolic Paraboloid
Hyperboloid of 1 Sheet
Hyperboloid of 2 Sheets
Pair of Planes
Factoring a Pair of Planes into Linear Equations
Differential Calculus and Geometry
Rules for Calculating Derivatives and Differentials for Functions of a Single Variable
Rules for Calculating Derivatives and Differentials for Functions of Multiple Variables
Gradient Vector, Jacobian Matrix and Hessian Matrix
Representation of Curves
Tangent Vector to a Curve and Arc Length / Differential Arc Length of a Curve
Curvature and Torsion of a Curve
Frenet-Serret Frame of a Curve and Derivation of Frenet-Serret Equations
Order of Contact Between 2 Curves and the Concept of Osculation
Osculating Circle, Radius and Center of Curvature of a Curve
Center and Radius of Osculating Sphere of a Curve
Vertex and Evolute of a Curve
Representation of Surfaces
Tangent and Normal Vectors of a Surface
Integral Calculus and Geometry
Invincible IDeAS
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