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General Quadratic Equations in 3 Variables and Quadric Surfaces

  1. Any equation given in the forms of the following are General Quadratic Equations in 3 Variables

    \(Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + Dxy + Exz + Fyz + Gx + Hy + Iz + K=0\)   ...(1)

    \(Ax^2 + By^2 + Cz^2 + 2Dxy + 2Exz + 2Fyz + 2Gx + 2Hy + 2Iz + K=0\)  ...(2)

    Please note that in such equations Atleast 1 of Co-efficients \(A\) (i.e. Co-efficient of \(x^2\)), \(B\) (i.e. Co-efficient of \(y^2\)), \(C\) (i.e. Co-efficient of \(z^2\)), \(D\) (i.e. Co-efficient of \(xy\)), \(E\) (i.e. Co-efficient of \(xz\)) or \(F\) (i.e. Co-efficient of \(yz\)) Must be Non-Zero.

    Also note that both equation (1) and equation (2) are just different representation of the same equation.
  2. The General Quadratic Equations in 3 Variables geometrically represent a Set of Surfaces known as Quadric Surfaces.
  3. Determining the Type of Surface and its Related Parameters/Properties that any given General Quadratic Equations in 3 Variables represents is called Quadric Surface Analysis.
  4. For analysing General Quadratic Equations in 3 Variables , a certain set of Matrices, Determinants and Related Algebraic Entities are used. Representation of these Matrices, Determinants and Related Algebraic Entities differ depending on whether Any Given Quadratic Equation is Analysed in form of equation (1) or equation (2).

  5. Following are the Matrices, Determinants and Related Algebraic Entities used to analyse the General Quadratic Equations in 3 Variables

    \(E=\begin{bmatrix} A & \frac{1}{2}D & \frac{1}{2}E & \frac{1}{2}G \\ \frac{1}{2}D & B & \frac{1}{2}F & \frac{1}{2}H \\ \frac{1}{2}E & \frac{1}{2}F & C & \frac{1}{2}I \\ \frac{1}{2}G & \frac{1}{2}H & \frac{1}{2}I & K\end{bmatrix}\) (when Analysed in form of equation (1)) OR \(E =\begin{bmatrix} A & D & E & G \\ D & B & F & H \\ E & F & C & I \\ G & H & I & K\end{bmatrix}\) (when Analysed in form of equation (2))

    \(e=\begin{bmatrix} A & \frac{1}{2}D & \frac{1}{2}E \\ \frac{1}{2}D & B & \frac{1}{2}F \\ \frac{1}{2}E & \frac{1}{2}F & C \end{bmatrix}\) (when Analysed in form of equation (1)) OR \(e =\begin{bmatrix} A & D & E \\ D & B & F \\ E & F & C \end{bmatrix}\) (when Analysed in form of equation (2))

    \(\Delta=|E|=\begin{vmatrix} A & \frac{1}{2}D & \frac{1}{2}E & \frac{1}{2}G \\ \frac{1}{2}D & B & \frac{1}{2}F & \frac{1}{2}H \\ \frac{1}{2}E & \frac{1}{2}F & C & \frac{1}{2}I \\ \frac{1}{2}G & \frac{1}{2}H & \frac{1}{2}I & K\end{vmatrix}\) (when Analysed in form of equation (1)) OR \(\Delta=|E|=\begin{vmatrix} A & D & E & G \\ D & B & F & H \\ E & F & C & I \\ G & H & I & K\end{vmatrix}\) (when Analysed in form of equation (2))

    \(R_4 =\) Rank of \(E\) Matrix

    \(R_3 =\) Rank of \(e\) Matrix

    \(K =true\) If All Non-Zero Eigen Values of Matrix \(e\) Have Same Sign otherwise \(K=false\)

    \(M=true\) if \(A=B=C\) and \(D=E=F=0\) otherwise \(M=false\) (Applicable only for Ellipsoid/Sphere)

    \(I=true\) if All Nomalized Non-Zero Eigen Values of Matrix \(e\) are \( >0 \) otherwise \(I=false\) (Applicable only for Real and Imaginary Elliptical Cylinders)

  6. Any General Quadratic Equation in 3 Variables can represent any 1 of the following 19 Geometric Entities based on the values of the calculated Matrices, Determinants and Algebraic Entities

    S.No. Geometric Entity \(\Delta\) R4 R3 K M I
    1. Hyperboloid of 1 Sheet > 0 4 3 false NA NA
    2. Hyperboloid of 2 Sheets < 0 4 3 false NA NA
    3. Real Ellipsoid < 0 4 3 true false NA
    4. Imaginary Ellipsoid > 0 4 3 true false NA
    5. Real Sphere < 0 4 3 true true NA
    6. Imaginary Sphere > 0 4 3 true true NA
    7. Elliptical Paraboloid < 0 4 2 true NA NA
    8. Hyperbolic Paraboloid > 0 4 2 false NA NA
    9. Real Cone NA 3 3 false NA NA
    10. Imaginary Cone NA 3 3 true NA NA
    11. Real Elliptic Cylinder NA 3 2 true NA true
    12. Imaginary Elliptic Cylinder NA 3 2 true NA false
    13. Hyperbolic Cylinder NA 3 2 false NA NA
    14. Parabolic Cylinder NA 3 1 NA NA NA
    Pair of Planes
    15. 2 Intersecting Real Planes NA 2 2 false NA NA
    16. 2 Intersecting Imaginary Planes NA 2 2 true NA NA
    17. 2 Parallel Real Planes NA 2 1 NA NA NA
    18. 2 Parallel Imaginary Planes NA 2 1 NA NA NA
    19. 2 Co-Incident Real Planes NA 1 1 NA NA NA

    Whether a General Quadratic Equation in 3 Variables represents 2 Parallel Real Planes or 2 Parallel Imaginary Planes can only be found out after Factoring the Quadratic Equation.
Related Calculators
Quadric Surface Analysis Calculator
Related Topics
General Quadratic Equations in 2 Variables and Quadric Surfaces,    General Polynomial Equations
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