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Rotation Axes (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) and Orientation (Heading, Attitude, Bank)

  1. Any Rigid Body Object has 3 Sets of Directions associated with it which lie on 3 Mutually Perpendicular Axes as follows
    1. A Directionx Set comprising of its Front Side and Back Side. The Axis on which this Direction Set lies is called the Roll Axis.
    2. A Directionx Set comprising of its Left Side and Right Side. The Axis on which this Direction Set lies is called the Pitch Axis.
    3. A Directionx Set comprising of its Top Side and Bottom Side. The Axis on which this Direction Set lies is called the Yaw Axis.
  2. Rotation of the Object along its Yaw Axis changes its Orientation Relatively Leftwards or Relatively Rightwards as compared to current Orientation (also called changing of its Heading Orientation). Such Rotation(s) change the Object's Front-Back and Left-Right Direction Sets without affecting its Top-Bottom Direction Set.
  3. Rotation of the Object along its Pitch Axis changes its Orientation Relatively Upwards or Relatively Downwards as compared to current Orientation (also called changing of its Attitude Orientation). Such Rotation(s) change the Object's Front-Back and Top-Bottom Direction Sets without affecting its Left-Right Direction Set.
  4. Rotation of the Object along its Roll Axis changes its Orientation Relatively Counter Clockwise or Relatively Clockwise as compared to current Orientation (also called changing of its Bank Orientation). Such Rotation(s) change the Object's Left-Right and Top-Bottom Direction Sets without affecting its Front-Back Direction Set.
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