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List of Frequently Referenced Sets in Mathematics

  1. Set of Natural Numbers denoted by \(N\).
  2. Set of Whole Numbers denoted by \(W\).
  3. Set of Integers denoted by \(Z\), Positive Integers denoted by \(Z^+\) and Negative Integers denoted by \(Z^-\).
  4. Set of Rational Numbers denoted by \(Q\), Positive Rational Numbers denoted by \(Q^+\) and Negative Rational Numbers denoted by \(Q^-\).
  5. Set of Real Numbers denoted by \(R\), Positive Real Numbers denoted by \(R^+\) and Negative Real Numbers denoted by \(R^-\).
  6. Set of Complex Numbers denoted by \(C\).
  7. Set of Quaternions denoted by \(H\).
  8. Set of Octonions denoted by \(O\).
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