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Physics: Table of Contents

  1. Classical Mechanics
    1. Absolute Position, Relative Position, Displacement and Distance Travelled of an Object
    2. Position, Displacement and Trajectory of an Object in Motion
    3. Velocity and Speed of an Object in Motion and Absolute / Relative Velocities
    4. Distance Travelled by an Object over a Path / Trajectory
    5. Derivation of Equation of Motion under Uniform / Constant Velocity
    6. Acceleration of an Object in Motion and Acceleration due to Gravity
    7. Derivation of Equation of Motion under Uniform / Constant Acceleration
    8. Projectile Motion: Example of Motion under Uniform / Constant Acceleration due to Gravity
    9. Solid Mechanics
      1. Moment of Mass and Center of Mass
      2. Rotational Motion, Mass Moment of Inertia and Radius of Gyration
    10. Fluid Mechanics
    11. Aerodynamics
    12. Thermodynamics
    13. Wave Mechanics and Acoustics
  2. Electricity and Magnetism
  3. Light and Optics
  4. Relativistic Mechanics
    1. Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity
      1. Lorentz Velocity Transformation of Space-Time Coordinates
      2. Einstein Velocity Addition/Subtraction Formula for Special Relativity
    2. Einstein's Theory of General Relativity
      1. How Theory of General Relativity Augments/Replaces Galilean Inertia and Newton's First Law of Motion
  5. Quantum Mechanics
    1. Pauli Basis Matrices, Pauli Vectors and Pauli Spinors
  6. Quantum Field Theory
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