Conic Section Translation refers to Changing the Position of a Conic Section Object. This is done by
translating the General Quadratic Equation in 2 Variables representing the Conic Section.
The General Quadratic Equation in 2 Variables representing a Conic Section is given as follows
\(Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0\) ...(1)
On translating the above equation (1) by an offset \((x_t,y_t)\) as per the Rule of Translation of Equations, the updated equation is given as
The equations (2) and (3) above give the Equation of the Conic Section Translated by an Offset \((x_t,y_t)\).
Please note the Translating a Conic Section Does Not Change the Values of its Quadratic Co-efficients (\(x^2, xy\) and \(y^2\)). However it Changes the Values of its
its Linear Co-efficients (\(x\) and \(y\)) and the Constant of the Equation.