For calculating Cross Product between a Dyad and a Vector the Order of the Dyad and Number of Elements in the Vector (i.e. Dimension of the Vector) must be 3.
The result of Cross Product between a Dyad and a Vector is another Dyad.
Calculating Cross Product between a Dyad and a Vector is same as Multiplication of Dyad Matrix with the Skew-Symmetric Matrix Corresponding to Vector. Calculating Cross Product between a Vector and a Dyad is same as Multiplication of Skew-Symmetric Matrix Corresponding to Vector with the Dyad Matrix.
Given 3 Vectors \(\vec{A}\), \(\vec{B}\) and \(\vec{C}\), the following assosiative relations exist between Tensor Product (that results in a Dyad) and Cross Product
The Cross Product between a Dyad and a Vector is Non-Commutative, that is for Any Non Identity Dyad/Dyadic \(\overleftrightarrow{AB}\) and Vector \(\vec{C}\)
Following examples demonstrates the calculation Cross Product between a Dyad and a Vector and assosiative relations that exist between Tensor Product (that results in a Dyad) and Cross Product
for Vectors \(\vec{A}\), \(\vec{B}\) and \(\vec{C}\) as given below